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The Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, vol. 1

Product Description

The Complete Works of

Elizabeth of The Trinity, vol. 1

Major Spiritual Writings

Translated by Aletheia Kane, OCD

Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez), who died in 1906 at the age of 26 in the Carmel of Dijon, is a mystic for our times, with a profound spirituality rooted not in visions and voices but in attention to the indwelling Trinity and in the call to become a "praise of glory" for God. This first volume of her Complete Works contains her major spiritual writings, including two sets of retreat notes ("Heaven in Faith" and "Last Retreat") and her famous prayer "O My God, Trinity Whom I Adore." A comprehensive introduction to Elizabeth's life and spirituality by the editor, Conrad De Meester, is also included, along with detailed notes and 5 pages of photos.

  • ICS code: ICS-ET1
  • Format: paperback
  • Pages: 204
  • ISBN: 978-0-935216-01-1

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"The 'General Introduction' and introductions to each of the works…are excellent. The translation is faithful to Elizabeth's style, clear and easy to read."

—Contemplative Review

"Readers who find the mystic writings of great Carmelites a source of spiritual enrichment will wish to be exposed to the spirituality of this woman."

—P. M. Meagher